welcome to the strange INCOMPLETE
Welcome to the Strange was originally conceived as an anthology horror film, with segments directed by Daryl Della, Ray Revello, and Brandon J. Snyder. The project began ambitiously but ultimately stalled, leaving behind only its eerie introductory sequence. This scene featured an early appearance by Bruce Cummings: Librarian Extraordinaire, marking the formative stages of his character. In it, Bruce reads ominously from the Necronomicon Ex Mortis—or, in reality, the foam rubber DVD case for The Evil Dead.
The film never progressed beyond its opening moments. The only other segment, Director’s Cut, existed in fragments of a script. This meta-horror idea featured the Dollars & Donuts team making a horror movie, complete with absurd set pieces like their friend Jacy Criswell (aka Wolf, thanks to his wild hair and lengthy nails) losing a hand. In one particularly outrageous planned sequence, Wolf’s severed hand would fly through the air, slitting 50 throats with his unnaturally long nails—a moment of avant-garde chaos lost to time.
Though the 2005 project never saw completion, Welcome to the Strange wasn’t forgotten. The title and anthology format were resurrected in 2018 when Daryl Della revisited the concept with a fresh approach.
While the original Welcome to the Strange remains an unfinished piece of Dollars & Donuts lore, it reflects the team’s early creative energy and a vision of filmmaking that wasn’t afraid to push boundaries—or embrace the absurd.