the revenge epic INCOMPLETE
The second entry in the trilogy of unfinished spaghetti western-inspired sagas, The Revenge Epic stars Ray Revello as Roland Kawada, an escaped prisoner with a mysterious past. The film opens with an ambitious stunt: a serene shot of a beach in Pacifica, disrupted by Roland emerging from the ocean and stumbling onto the sand. It’s an impressive sequence for the group, showcasing their willingness to push boundaries even in their early days.
The only completed scene features Roland encountering a helpful bystander, played by Ray’s real-life cousin Michael Agustinelli. The encounter takes a brutal turn when Roland guts the Good Samaritan with a hidden kitchen knife and steals his hat—a moment of shocking violence that exemplifies the Dollars & Donuts penchant for darkly absurd storytelling.
Although The Revenge Epic was never completed, the character of Roland Kawada became a recurring figure in the Dollars & Donuts universe. His name frequently appears in background gags, news tickers, and other Easter eggs across later films and comics, cementing his legacy as part of the group’s interconnected storytelling.