bud the hobo and lou the bear

BLAM BLAM! A peaceful playground erupts with Frank Barnett's magnum firing, plunging viewers straight into the Dollars & Donuts universe. This film jolts from hard-hitting action into the whimsical world of Bud and Lou—a hobo and his bear companion tangled in wild escapades. From scavenging a dead man's pockets for fast food coupons to botched scams aimed at unsuspecting suburbanites, their madcap journey weaves through a series of increasingly bizarre and hilarious predicaments. Combining sharp dialogue, puppet antics, and a nostalgic nod to classic capers, this film delivers non-stop entertainment and a few unexpected lessons on survival in the urban jungle.


#36. The Corpse That Got Away (2009)


#34. Rich & Lozo 4 (2009)